Tutor in Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Maura S.
$30 per hour
(PreK-6) Gifted / Special Needs
,(PreK-6) Homework Assistance
,(PreK-6) Languages
,(PreK-6) Math
,(PreK-6) Reading
,(PreK-6) Science
,(PreK-6) Spelling
,(PreK-6) Study Skills / Organization
,(PreK-6) Vocabulary
,(PreK-6) Writing
Point Park Unversity
Bachelor’s degree, Instructional Studies
Special Needs: ?
My name is Maura. I have been working with children for 10 years now. I have been tutoring for the past three years. I have a lot of experience working with children who are on the Autism Spectrum. I also have experience with children grades Prek-5. I make the tutoring approach fun but really learning at the same time. If you have any questions please contact me. I respond fastly to email and phone calls.
When working with the children on the Autism Spectrum I did activates that where hands on them to understand. I created games and lesson that where simple and fun. The children I worked with where Kindergarten to Middle school years. I worked at a school for 7 months during this time I learned so much.
I have been a nanny/tutor since I was 14 years old and now I am 22 years of age. I love making the learning experience fun for a child. One thing I like to do is have the child create works for them to practice. I have them write the multiplication cards so they are practicing writing and saying the facts in their heads. I made everything personal for the needs of each child.
I also work closely with the family and the school the child is attending to make sure a child is meeting their full potential. The child always comes first in my mind.
Lastly, I keep daily and weekly logs with the child to see how they are progressing or regressing over the time period. I give the parent a copy of the information so they can see how there child has improved over the time period and what they still need to work on.
Hope to hear from you